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E-WMS Autoreceive

WMS documentation



This document describes the functionality of E-WMS Autoreceive, available from product update 406.



When using E-WMS SKU Management or E-WMS Serial Batch Generation, E-WMS will generate new SKU- or S/B numbers and print labels for these numbers. Next, you would still have to scan each label to register a receipt. Autoreceive provides the possibility to automatically receive these numbers on a hand terminal, without scanning each receipt. Autoreceive can be used in combination with SKU Management and E-WMS Serial/Batch Generation, or when using external S/B numbers or external SKU numbers.

This document has following sections:



Following is required to use Autoreceive.

  • License: E-WMS I (SE1380)
    • or older license: Pick-IT Basic (SE5700) + Pick-IT RF (SE5760)
  • For usage with SKU Management: E-WMS II (SE1381)
  • Usage of communication type 'ASP'
  • Usage of WMSclient. Autoreceive is not supported when using ERF or Internet Explorer client
  • Usage of the item's standard sales unit. Using purchase units is not supported in Autoreceive



Following visible changes were made related to Autoreceive.

  • WMS button added to 'Items by supplier' maintenance screen
  • new item field 'Standard batch quantity' in item maintenance, WMS button
  • new item by supplier field 'Standard batch quantity' (items by supplier maintenance, WMS button)
  • new item by supplier field 'Increment factor' (items by supplier maintenance, WMS button)
  • new setting 'Autoreceive' in hand terminal settings for Receipts, Production Receipts and Stock Transactions
  • new button 'Autoreceive' on hand terminal (OPTIONS menu)
  • new Autoreceive screen on hand terminal

Supported processes

Following E-WMS processes support Autoreceive functionality:

  • Purchase Receipts (guided or free receipts)
  • Stock Transaction receipts
  • Production Receipts



Following rules apply when working with Autoreceive.


  • Usage of purchase units for purchase orders is not supported in Autoreceive. Autoreceive logic is based on the default sales unit of an item.
  • You cannot 'Autoreceive' more than ordered. When you enter a quantity higher than ordered in the Autoreceive screen, you will see the message "Not allowed: receive more than ordered". For additional receipts, you can use the 'Add' button, where Autoreceipt can be used again.
  • Autoreceive is not supported for batch items which are not a SKU item and when using E-WMS serial/batch generation. In a receipt of such a batch item, only labels can be printed using the 'S/B' button.


  • When generating and receiving a range of E-WMS or external SKU numbers, the last digit of the 18-digit SSCC number remains a check digit. The sequence number is generated based on the first 17 digits
  • Label printing is not integrated in Autoreceive functionality itself. If you require labels to be printed for serial/batch numbers, then you need to enable 'Serial/batch generation' - which supports Autoreceive functionality again
  • The item field 'Increment factor' (per item/supplier or by item) is only used when generating serial- or batch numbers using Autoreceive, and is not used in 'Serial/batch generation' when Autoreceive is disabled
  • When generating a new number range, for example for a receipt of external serial numbers, the sequenced part is placed after the first non-digit character, from the right side. So if you would generate 2000 serial numbers starting from serial number ABCD.1, WMS will generate and receive serial numbers ABCD.1 through ABCD.2000, since the "." is the first non-digit character from the right side. If you would start with ABCD.00001 then serial numbers ABCD.00001 through ABCD.02000 would be generated. When not using a separator but for instance start with serial number '5001', then this number will just be increased.
  • When the item (or item per supplier) field 'Batch quantity' is left at zero (0), then on the hand terminal the 'batch quantity' will be prefilled with quantity to receive - which means you receive 1 batch number for the whole receipt
  • When generating new serial-/batch numbers using Autoreceive and E-WMS S/B Generation, these new numbers are created in the Exact Globe Next S/B master data table (Itemnumbers) at the moment of generating from the hand terminal. If you cancel or rollback your receipt later, these numbers are not deleted. The same applies to SKU numbers, when generated by E-WMS, or when using external SKU numbers.
  • When generating new serial-/batch numbers using Autoreceive and external S/B numbers, then the generated numbers are created in the S/B master data table when the receipt is processed by E-WMS.


  • With Autoreceive it is easy to generate a lot of receipt lines. Handling a high quantity of receipt lines, for example 2.000 serial numbers, will take some time on reading back, validating and processing, or when opening such a transaction in the Control Center after reading back. When using the RF services to allow for automatic handling on the background, you may notice that it will take longer for the receipt to become available as shelf stock, or that it will take longer for subsequent receipts to be processed.


Configuration: settings
Autoreceive is enabled per process, through the scanner settings. The setting 'Autoreceive' is available in following settings menus:

The functionality of Autoreceive is affected by the settings 'S/B number generation' and 'External SKU numbers'.

  • when 'Autoreceive' is enabled and 'S/B number generation' is enabled, you do not use external serial/batch numbers but create your own numbers, as generated by E-WMS.
    • Autoreceive is started by using the 'S/B' button in the hand terminal OPTIONS menu
    • the E-WMS serial/batch mask is applied

  • when 'Autoreceive' is enabled and 'S/B number generation' is disabled, then you will use the serial/batch numbers, as defined by your supplier.
    • the user will have to put in a starting number is when generating receipts for a successive range of numbers
    • an increment factor is used and prefilled on the hand terminal, the user can change this
    • the E-WMS serial/batch mask is not used

  • when 'Autoreceive' is enabled and 'Use external SKU nrs' is enabled, the first SKU number and the increment factor will have to be entered by the user.
  • when 'Autoreceive' is enabled and 'Use external SKU nrs' is disabled, SKU numbers are generated by E-WMS

Configuration: items

When using Autoreceive and your are not using E-WMS S/B Generation for batch items, you need to be able to configure how many sales units are in one packaging unit, per new batch number. For this purpose, you can configure a 'Standard batch quantity' per item or per item per supplier. You can read about more this quantity in WMS button in item maintenance and WMS button items by supplier.

You can configure a default 'Increment factor' per item per supplier, for the serial- or batch numbers to automatically generate, from a given starting number (S/B number provided by your supplier). These factors are only used when the hand terminal setting 'Generate S/B numbers' is disabled.


Hand terminal

To start Autoreceive functionality, you can press the options button in a scanning screen, then press the Auto receive button.


The functionality available in the options menu, or when pressing the Auto receive button, depends on the settings and from what scan field you pressed the options button. If you press 'Options/Auto receive' from 'warehouse' input, the Auto receive button will be disabled. When pressing 'Options/Auto receive' when you are at input of 'S/B' for an inner SKU within an outer SKU, you can generate serial numbers for that specific inner SKU. When E-WMS 'S/B Generation' is enabled you won't see the Autoreceive button but instead, as before, the S/B button. Only now, Autoreceive is integrated in the S/B label print screen. The same applies for the SKU Management label print screen.

In the scenarios below you will find samples of several of all these possibilities.


Supported scenarios

This table lists the possible scenarios, supported Autoreceive scenarios are marked with .
Most of the scenarios also have a link with a sample case with screen shots.

 Scenario a. No SKU b. E-WMS
SKU numbers
c. External
SKU numbers
1. standard item n/a
2. serial item, S/B Generation -
3. serial item, external serial numbers
4. batch item, S/B Generation, one batch n/a -
5. batch item, S/B Generation, batch number range - -
6. batch item, external batch number, one batch n/a
7. batch item, external batch number, batch range
  • 1a. There are no sequence numbers to automatically receive, so this scenario does not apply
  • 1b. Receiving a standard SKU item, using SKU numbers and labels generated by E-WMS, and automatically generating receipt lines for a successive range of SKU numbers (sample scenario)
  • 1c. Receiving a standard SKU item, using external SKU numbers, and generating receipts starting from a specific SKU number (sample scenario)
  • 2a. Receiving a serial number item, using S/B generation, and automatically generating receipt lines for a successive range of serial numbers (sample scenario)
  • 2b. Receiving SKUs with a serial number item, using S/B generation and E-WMS SKU numbers, and automatically receiving a range of SKU- and serial numbers (sample scenario)
  • 2c. Not supported (see below)
  • 3a. Receiving a serial number item, using external serial numbers, and generating receipts starting from a specific serial number (sample scenario)
  • 3b. Receiving SKUs with a serial number item, using external serial numbers and E-WMS generated SKU numbers (sample scenario)
  • 3c. Receiving SKUs with a serial number item, using external serial numbers and external SKU numbers (sample scenario)
  • 4a. No sequence numbers to automatically receive, so this scenario does not apply
  • 4b. Receiving several SKUs with a batch item and one batch number, using S/B generation and E-WMS SKU numbers (sample scenario)
  • 4c. Not supported (see below)
  • 5a. Not supported (see below)
  • 5b. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and a batch number range, using S/B generation and E-WMS SKU numbers, and automatically receiving a range of SKU- and batch numbers (sample scenario)
  • 5c.  Not supported (see below)
  • 6a. No sequence numbers to automatically receive, so this scenario does not apply
  • 6b. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and one batch number, using the external batch number and E-WMS SKU numbers, and automatically receiving a range of SKUs (sample scenario)
  • 6c. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and one batch number, using the external batch number and receiving a range of external SKU numbers (sample scenario)

  • 7a. Receiving a batch item, using external batch numbers, and generating receipts, starting from a specific batch number (sample scenario)
  • 7b. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and a batch number range, using external batch numbers and E-WMS SKU numbers, and automatically receiving a range of SKU- and batch numbers (sample scenario)
  • 7c. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and a batch number range, using external batch numbers and external SKU numbers, automatically receiving a range of SKU- and batch numbers from a specific number (sample scenario

    Not supported scenario's:
  • 2c. Receiving SKUs with a serial number item, using S/B generation and external SKU numbers (you use the SKU numbers from your supplier but want to generate your own serial numbers and serial number labels)
  • 4c. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and one batch number, using S/B generation and external SKU numbers (you use the SKU numbers from your supplier but want to generate your own batch numbers and batch labels)
  • 5a. Receiving a batch item, using S/B generation, and automatically generating receipt lines for a successive range of batch numbers
  • 5c. Receiving SKUs with a batch item and a batch number range, using S/B generation and external SKU numbers (you use the SKU numbers from your supplier but want to generate your own batch numbers and batch labels)


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